Icelanders competing in the CrossFit Regionals 2018

The CrossFit Regionals 2018 will kick off today (May 18) in Europe, the South and the East regions. The five fittest athletes and teams in the region will earn their place in the Reebok CrossFit Games in the United States in August.
Five woman from Iceland will compete in Berlin this year; Annie Mist Thorisdottir, Ragnheidur Sara Sigmundsdottir, Bjork Odinsdottir, Thuridur Erla Helgadottir and Solveig Sigurdardottir. Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir will of course also compete but in Albany New York. Three men will also compete in Berlin; Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson, Sigurdur Thrastarson and Arni Bjorn Kristjansson.
The Regionals will be broadcast live on and Facebook